The other day my family was innocently watching a movie on TV when I see a little brown mouse dart across the room. I wish I could say this was something new for us, but unfortunately, living in the country, this happens more often than I would like to admit. So my brave husband went and got his shoe and a bucket so we could catch it and kill it, and I stood guard behind the couch to make sure it didn’t get out. The mouse finally came out and we almost got it, but it disappeared down the AC register. (Nasty right?) So I got out the chunky peanut butter and proceed to set 4 snap traps. We tie the snap traps to the inside of our register and put them down the vent. That sounds silly, but we have caught so many mice this way. In the morning, when I went to check on the traps, I was overjoyed to see that I had caught one. Now granted, I know that usually where there is one mouse that you see, there are many more that you cannot see, and that...
Devotions from my Heart