Have you ever suffered from regression? Regression… a relapse to a less perfect state. You could be exactly where you want to be. On top of the world, doing something awesomely and then something happens. You go on vacation, or get sick, and you stop exercising that skill you have just mastered. That skill then becomes smaller and smaller. Think about it. If we don’t practice what we learned in school, it leaves us. Even if we were so good at that skill, the skills can really leave us without practice. My 2-year-old daughter was given a break with potty training this past week and has really regressed. I didn’t do my physical therapy exercises and my strength has weakened. I haven’t done my devotions in a long time, and it is easier to just say, I am going to skip this morning than hold myself accountable. Even when the skill that we have learned and mastered really benefits us, we feel better because ...
Devotions from my Heart