Last night my life group (a group of families from church that meet once a week to share our lives) prayed for my back. For those of you that don’t know, my back has been giving me so many problems. It has given me pain, consistent migraines and made me unable to move for days on end. I have prayed for healing before for others, sometimes it has worked, but more often it has not. I don’t know though, having someone lay hands on me and pray was a really unique experience for me. My friend put his hand on my right shoulder, unknown to him, that is the side that is giving me most of my issues. And he prayed. He prayed for healing in the name of Jesus. It was so crazy that as he was praying, I could feel my back start to realign. Now don’t get me wrong, I have no idea if I am “healed”. As soon as he was finished praying for me, I sat up and my upper back (again the place giving me so many issues) popped about 10 times. ...
Devotions from my Heart