The whole marital debate right now is really weighing on me. It is something that I really feel needs to be addressed, but I feel almost too timid to address it – I don’t like confrontation very much and therefore do not want to cause a big old stink about it. My thoughts on whether or not marriage should be “allowed” by the government is that the government shouldn’t be involved in telling me who I can and cannot “marry”. I just think that the government is way too big, that it has been taken away from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. At the same time, I also think that marriage is something that is a covenant with God. With that said, I do not support gay marriage. I know many gay or lesbian individuals and am privileged to call some friends. Now, just because I am friends with them, does not mean that I agree with the way that they are living their lives. Just like I wouldn’t agree with the way that an alcoholic ...
Devotions from my Heart