I am in a situation where I have some people that aren’t very fond of me right now. The more that I try to impress them, the more they seem to dislike me. I have turned them off to my personality in some way, shape, or form and I have really been struggling with that. I know that not everyone likes Christians, however, the reason for their dislike does not seem to have anything to do with the fact I am a Christian. Last night my children had a “sleep over” with each other. At 3:00am, said sleep over was finished however, both children still wanted to sleep with someone, so for the sake of sanity and sleep, my husband and I divided and conquered. Around 4am, as I lie there in my daughter’s bed listening to WBGL, the local Christian station, it occurred to me, Jesus WAS, and still is, perfect and guess what, not everyone liked Him. Some welcomed Jesus, and then one person said something and the crowd turned against Him. Jesus...
Devotions from my Heart