Well folks, It has been a long while since I last posted. I could give you plenty of good reasons for me to not have been posting. 1) I am in a majorly intense graduate program that is physically, emotionally and mentally demanding. 2) I am working part time as well as in a practicum to pay for said graduate program. 3) ... My list could go on and on about why I haven't been blogging and posting but here is the honest truth- I haven't been posting because I haven't been spending time and getting right with God.
I used this blog to get right with God a couple times a week before, if not daily. Now, I haven't even given it a second thought. How easy is it to get bogged down with life and so busy that we forget what is really important? How easy is it to say, I will start reading my Bible again, TOMORROW.
I used to think that when I worked at a church, my walk with God would be amazing because I have to go to him to glorify him, but here I am, doing my practicum at a church, and my walk is failing miserably.
There have been times this semester where I wanted to throw in the towel. Emotionally, this semester is killing me, however, instead of saying, "I need God", I found myself saying, "I need wine" (which I rarely actually partook of). I could talk the talk of champions, but was not walking the walk laid out for me.
I am ashamed of my life this semester. It has been selfish, sinful and just all around bad... but the good news is that Easter is coming and that reminds me that no matter what I have done, Jesus paid it all!
Jesus says (and this is not quoted from the Bible), "I know you are a sinner, I know you fail daily and I know that you can never be perfect, but that is why I AM. That is why I AM the perfect sacrifice."
Friday, we will celebrate the sacrifice Jesus made, Sunday we will celebrate that the sacrifice was not in vain - that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but he rose from the grave to save!!!!
Hebrews 10:14
14 For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.
I encourage you to read Hebrews 10: 1-18 -you can do so here
Know that no matter how terrible your last, however long has been, Christ redeems!!!
I used this blog to get right with God a couple times a week before, if not daily. Now, I haven't even given it a second thought. How easy is it to get bogged down with life and so busy that we forget what is really important? How easy is it to say, I will start reading my Bible again, TOMORROW.
I used to think that when I worked at a church, my walk with God would be amazing because I have to go to him to glorify him, but here I am, doing my practicum at a church, and my walk is failing miserably.
There have been times this semester where I wanted to throw in the towel. Emotionally, this semester is killing me, however, instead of saying, "I need God", I found myself saying, "I need wine" (which I rarely actually partook of). I could talk the talk of champions, but was not walking the walk laid out for me.
I am ashamed of my life this semester. It has been selfish, sinful and just all around bad... but the good news is that Easter is coming and that reminds me that no matter what I have done, Jesus paid it all!
Jesus says (and this is not quoted from the Bible), "I know you are a sinner, I know you fail daily and I know that you can never be perfect, but that is why I AM. That is why I AM the perfect sacrifice."
Friday, we will celebrate the sacrifice Jesus made, Sunday we will celebrate that the sacrifice was not in vain - that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but he rose from the grave to save!!!!
Hebrews 10:14
14 For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.
I encourage you to read Hebrews 10: 1-18 -you can do so here
Know that no matter how terrible your last, however long has been, Christ redeems!!!
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