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do I mis-use the Bible?

WOW!  This morning I sat and started to read through Ecclesiastes.  I don’t know if the author of Ecclesiastes, Perhaps King Solomon, had a very sarcastic view on life or if he was just babbling.  But I can definitely see how this book could get a lot of people into trouble if they don’t know the full book or continue to read.  There are verses in there that say things like; eat, drink and enjoy the days on earth because they are meaningless, it is good to enjoy your time on earth and do not worry about anything.

To get the full meaning of the book, you need to read it all- the true gems are the last two verses.  This book was written by someone (according to my study Bible) that was near the end of his life, he sees man in pursuit of so many things and vainly pursuing hopes and expectations- but faith teaches him that God has ordered all things according to his own purposes and that we need to accept our limitations. 

The last two verses are the writers final conclusion: Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14 “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter; Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of the man.  For God will bring every deed into judgment including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” 

It is so easy for me to take one verse out of the Bible and focus on that ONE verse.  Often times, that verse is a great verse and can stand alone, but I need to ensure that I am taking the context of the surrounding text also.  I need to be sure that I am not mis-using the meaning of the verses or the entire context.  I think though, to really understand the verse and the meanings of the verse, I need to study all around the verse, know where the verse is coming from.

So what does that lead me to?  Although I do study the bible, I need to be more intentional about it.  Not just taking one or two verses, but getting into the word, making sure that I understand the true meaning of The Word. 

One of the things that I really remember from my youth was sitting in a sermon at my church and the pastor preaching on the “turn the other cheek” passage in the Bible.  Although my study bible has never said this, nor have I ever heard it anywhere else, it is something that really stuck out to me. 

The section reads: Mathew 5:38-42 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ Now I tell you, do not resist an evil person.  If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.  And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.  If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.  Give to the one who asks you and to not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”

I remember sitting there in awe as my pastor went through and explained each verse to me.  “If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also”.  Back in the Biblical times days, if someone was to strike you, they would use their left hand (the hand that they didn’t wipe their bottoms with) if you turned the other cheek, you were telling them that – “you have shamed me, now you might as well just hit me with your poop hand too.” (My pastor was much more eloquent than I am)  Next verse – “someone wants your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.” The tunic was the outer cover, the cloak was your undergarments.  Although it was not illegal to be naked in that time, it was shameful to look at someone that was naked.  So if they asked for your tunic, you were to give them your underwear too to call them on their actions.  The last part- someone forces you to walk one mile, go with him two.  It was very common for soldiers of the day to grab you off the street and make you carry their pack and walk one mile.  They were legally allowed to make you walk one mile, but if you went more than one mile, they could get in trouble.  I don’t remember the end part – the “give to one who asks you and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow” 

I took him at his word and never dove deeper into that because I liked the idea of calling people out on their actions.  It was a way I had never heard that section of verses before.  I do not have a Bible degree, and have no plans to get one either.  But in reality, if I say something and it is quoted years and years later, the quote might be completely different than what I meant it to be because culture and society and laws had changed. 

Honestly, I can see Jesus actually doing the things that my pastor said that he was doing and for that reason.  Jesus was awesome- he stood up to the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin.  He was one tough cookie!  So, the way that I take those verses is that I try to be loving and kind – but I don’t let myself be a doormat either. 

My prayer is that as I read and study the Bible that I will understand the context, the meanings and really strive to understand the verses that I am reading.  So will that take me more than the 20 minutes in the morning that I spend doing devotions?  Possibly, but if it adds to my understanding of my creator, I think that is totally worth it! 


  1. I love the way you make me think, dive in and study (to show myself approved) and you are a great writer! Good job, keep sharing!

  2. Hey Catherine! I talk about that sermon ALL THE TIME when someone talks about that verse. It was a totally new way to look at it for me too. Such a good sermon! You should share that you still remember it with Don. :)

  3. How funny - I thought it was ROCK that gave the sermon. Maybe Rock did then Don reitterated or something- lol - :-) May I ask who MO Graphics is?


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