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Spoken Word

Today I am doing something different.  Have you ever seen anyone perform "spoken word"?  Well, this was put on my heart this morning, it is to be read in the format of spoken word, rhytmatic and fun.  I hope you enjoy it.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why
God made the birds to fly.
He made the grass green,
And the air to be unseen
He made the seasons all,
Winter, summer, spring and fall
He created each of us unique,
Some to work and some to speak
He gave us all something sweet,
The nails pierced His son’s hands and feet
For our sins Jesus suffered and bled
A crow of thorns placed upon His head. 
He was crucified so I can live,
His love He did so freely give.

Have you stopped to wonder why,
For you, He did die?
He said, you don’t have to be ideal,
My perfection will live through you with zeal.
So, why are we not sharing God’s news?
Why are we allowing so many to have the blues?
Why don’t we share His promise of a great tomorrow,
Help ease the suffering and sorrow.
He made us for a reason and gave us a charge.
Share the news, live it out large.
He shared this in the great commission,
Charged us all, gave us a mission
In Matthew 28, verse 19 and 20 Jesus said that we were to go
Go make disciples of all nations, so they would know.

Know that All have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory
He can take that, He can use your story.
My life isn’t perfect, but I am filled with peace.
How He saved us, brings me to my knees.
Because we fall short, He sacrificed
His son died on the cross, He bled and died.
Sad story?  Yes, that’s true
He did this all just for me and you.
But what is the best part of all this sadness?
He ROSE from the grave to bring us all gladness. 

So lets show our appreciation
Don’t live our lives with only self-motivation
Live to put God first, others second and yourself third
And you will figure out why God gave us that bird.
Why that bird can fly, why the grass is green
God’s wonders were made to be heard and seen.
He created all this for our sake, for our pleasure
So with you, I want to share the wonderful treasure.
Ask God into your heart
And in you, new and wonderful things will start.
Ask Him, the Lord Jesus Christ to come in
He will rid your black heart of sin.
He will make your life transform
Love and peace will be your new norm.

Now, being a Christian isn’t always easy
It isn’t life all sweet and breezy.
I don’t want to lie to you so I will tell you,
The world may hate you, even expel you.
But isn’t it worth it to know that God on High,
The one who made everything and did suffer and die.
Is looking down and saying “well done”
To you, His good and faithful son.

Cat Miller 4/2013


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