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God's Check

Today during my free time, I was running around like a mad woman.  I ran to get some marinade that I love- to the grocery store to get milk form my oldest daughter’s school class (she is lactose intolerant and has to have a special milk), then to walmart, the dollar tree, and to get gas, as well as to the office to pay people for taking my shifts.  There was one stop that I made that made me happy.  At every other stop that I made, I had spent money.  Even while dropping the kids off at school I was paying for their next semester there.  The one stop that made me happiest was going to the bank and depositing my check for work.  There is a feeling of ease when you know that there is money in that bank account.

The check has been sitting here for a week or so, but I hadn’t deposited it yet.  I knew that I had the money – but it doesn’t count unless it is in the bank.  God loved us so much that he wrote us a check.  A check that is like no other check in the world.  It was enough to cover all the sin that we have ever done and will ever do.  But it is no good if it just sits there.  You know it is there if you need it, but what good is it doing if it is just sitting there?  If a terrible accident happens, what are you going to say…  “I was going to deposit that check, I was just waiting until I needed it.”  “I meant to cash the check, I just never ended up getting around to it.” 

Really- if you don’t cash a check it is no good.  It just sits there.  Our debt for the sins that we have done is so great that no amount of our own effort to try to pay it off will ever work.  Even the sweetest, nicest person in the world will still have a debt of sin that they are unable to repay.  So it doesn’t matter if you are a “good person”, if you haven’t cashed the check God gave you, then the “good” will not save your soul.    So go – be sure that you have deposited the check that God gave you.  Say that you DO want Jesus to come into your life- then give him control and you will be pleasantly surprised at what may happen.  Don’t just say, I want this much of the check deposited and the rest put on a money order for when I need it again – deposit the whole amount.  Be redeemed by his mercy and grace. 

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that who-so-ever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”


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