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the Great Physician

Have you ever let something consume your thoughts, your whole life?  Have you let it seep into every aspect of your life including your health?  Dwelling on drama is never a good thing.  I have been completely guilty of this in the past.  Drama is something that can sometimes go away but sometimes it can just sit there, build up and become an infection.  I have a friend that has had an ear ache for over a month now, actually going on one and a half months.  At first, they just hoped that it would go away.  It didn’t hurt that badly, just was annoying.  Then it escalated, they were unable to sleep at night due to pain, over the counter medicines weren’t helping- and this friend finally went to the doctor. 

To no one’s surprise, it was an ear infection.  The doctor prescribed a drug and said if it didn’t feel better, to call in a few days.  Have you ever noticed that when they say that it almost always will fall on a weekend then?  So it didn’t feel better after two days and my friend called the doctor since they didn’t want to wait all weekend for it to just get worse and more painful.  They upped the medication dosage to see if that would help.  A week later, my friend had to go back into the doctor’s office.  The doctor said that the infection had now moved into the inner ear.  So more medication and different medication and drops etc…

Drama is something that if not dealt with can become an infection in our lives, our friendships, our work place, our churches.  If we do not deal with drama head on, when it starts, it continues to fester, to grow, to become more of an infection that we can’t deal with and ultimately, bad things can happen.  If you let it go to long, usual remedies will not deal with the issues.  The trick when sick is to catch the problem before it becomes too much of a problem you can’t deal with it. 

I am guilty of being the kind of person when I get sick I avoid the doctor’s office.  I don’t want to go in unless necessary.  I want my body to try to heal itself instead of introducing all these drugs into my system.  Sometimes though, you can’t heal yourself.  You need that extra help so that permanent damage isn’t done.  Sometimes, the medication and is the key. 

Jesus is known as the Great Physician.  He was known as this because he was able to heal the sick, make the lame walk again and cure all sorts of diseases.  He can also be the Great Physician in your life.  In the situations at work, or groups you are part of.  He can heal broken relationships.  It isn’t always going to be painless or immediate.  But HE is the medicine that we need to use to heal when we have let infections into our life.  If a dose of Him isn’t strong enough, call upon Him for a stronger dose.  He will use other people (medications) to help heal the hurt, the pain and the infection also. 

If we let God, the infection will be conquered.  The drama that is taking over our lives can be healed, but we have to seek Him first.  We have to seek him at the beginning when it is easy to heal and not at the end when the infection is so bad Jesus is our last ditch effort.  Dealing with a problem when it starts is much better than letting it fester, grow deeper and stronger and have more issues infect other areas of our lives. 


  1. Great devotion & reminder! Why is it that we know things but we don't apply them. We need to stay in the Word for the daily reminders...Thanks for ALL you do! {hugs} & prayers for healing!


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