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Save Button

One of the major bummers about technology is if you don’t “save” something that you just worked on it is gone forever.  This Sunday we had an awesome message at church.  Pastor Evan was cracking us up as well as giving us practical lessons from the Bible about how to use and spend our money wisely.  A lot of times when that topic comes up, I just start to tune it out because I married the world’s best money handler EVER so I never have to worry about budgeting or too much month at the end of my money, but this week, I listened and it was really good.  Alas though, my kindle, and the app I was note taking on didn’t save my note properly and now it isn’t there anymore for me to access and look back on.  It was because I didn’t hit the save button on the application.  (I swear I did, but you know).

How many times do we let something go in one ear and out the other?  How often do we forget to hit the “save button” when we find something really great in life or have a great time?  How often do we forget when God triumphs over evil because we forgot to hit the “save button”.  It is hard to save the events of our life all in our heads.  Back in the day they had scribes that would document everything that happened.  King Xerxes in Ester had one of these.  In Ester 6:1-14 tells the story of how the king could not sleep.  He called in his scribe and had him read the chronicles of the record of his reign.  He heard there that Mordecai (Ester’s Relation) had actually saved him by exposing an assassination attempt and that nothing had been done for him, so he honored him in a way that ended up shaming his enemy also.  Really a cool story, but if the King had hit the “save button” in his head, he would have remembered what was due to him.

So many times my kids say something so cute and I think, I wont ever forget that, but then less than 24 hours, the quote gets misquoted.  I have therefore started writing these down.  These adorable quotes that my kids say, I am trying to write them down now.  In the same way, we have the Bible.  It is a great tool for us to see what God has done in the past and what he can do in the future, people have actually written down what God wants us to know. 

James 1:22-25 “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.  But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it- he will be blessed in what he does.”

I don’t want to be like the man who goes to the Lord and then blows off what he says.  A lot of times, I am that way.  I will hear a great sermon or read a great devotional, and then go off and do life my own way.  I didn’t hit the “save button”.  I didn’t register it in my head.  I go and do what I want to do anyway.  I want to be looking intently into the perfect law that gives freedom.  I want to take notes and write what God is doing in my life and know where He is and how He is working so I can remember.  I need to be sure to hit the “save button” on life and with God always! 


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