My dog's name is Spike. He is a Yorkie. I promised my husband if he got me a girlie dog, I would name it something masculine so he wouldn't have to go outside and yell fru fru when calling our dog. Spike knows that I take care of him. He knows that my husband and I are the two that take care of him the most. The kids try to play with him and he runs to us with the toys. The kids try to take him out and he only comes back when one of us calls him. He knows our voice and respects our voice.
He also is needy. Like he relies on us to take him outside to do his business and to feed him and give him water. Spike will let us know when he is out of food or water, he goes to his dish and bumps it with his nose to let us know, FEED ME, or I'm thirsty! If I were a better dog mom, I would check it ever day and evening, but he eats so slowly and his bowl is large that I don't! We also give him a lot of table scraps that is probably not super great for him, especially when I have to clean up the accidents the morning AFTER the table scraps!
BUT God is always checking and willing to refill our proverbial bowls with the RIGHT food!
When Jesus was teaching us to pray he did something similar, he had to ASK for his sustenance every day. He was telling us to RELY on God for everything.
Matthew 6:11 "Give us this day our daily bread".
Jesus PROMISES us Living Water in John 7: "37) on the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, "Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! 38 Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.'" 39 (When he said "living water" he was speaking of the Spirit who would be given to everyone believing in him. But the Spirit had not yet been given because Jesus had not yet entered into his glory.)
How often do we NOT do that? How often do we say, I got today, when I run out, I will hit you up God. Like when I am really low, I will hit you up. When I am empty that is the only time I will rely on you to fix the problem God. I'm not going to consume everything you have given me, I'm good. I would rather take the table scraps that the world has to offer and attempt to live on those instead even thought they aren't very healthy and we are supposed to be relying on the food that God has given us. I'll find the stagnant water that has nasty stuff growing in it and a film over the top when I am thirsty. How often do we drink stale, stagnant water? How often do we forget that we have a father that wants to feed us daily and fill us with living water DAILY?
One last example. Because my dog knows I love him, he comes to me and just sleeps at my feet, he just wants to be around me ALL the time. Seriously, I trip over him. If he is in the car with me, he is laying ON my feet and we just got a mini van. Spike knows that I am his and he is mine. Can we do that with God. Have that reliance on him. Rely on God for our daily bread, water and comfort. Simply seek to be around Him all day, every day. Get excited when we see God work or move. Be happy when God enters the picture. Can we have loyalty like a dog?
Challenge for today, go to Him for your needs today, not just when you feel bad, or sad, or frustrated. Go to Him. If you have a dog, observe their loyalty to you, think about it and take it to heart.
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