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Iron Sharpens Iron

So today I was super excited because I was re-organizing my kitchen.  I have been given the green light to begin to renovate my house into exactly what I want it to be.  It has been so fun picking out new drawer pulls, flooring etc…  The problem is, as soon as I get the item to re-do, that is all I can think about.  I dream about the renovations.  So today, I woke up, took my kid to school (where we forgot her backpack), came home and started in on the pantry.  I pulled everything out, fixed what was supposed to be fixed, put everything in, cleaned the floor, re-organized it all.  I was feeling pretty stinking accomplished around 1:00. 

I knew that I hadn’t done my devotions for the morning.  I hadn’t had my time in the word.  I knew it, and I knew that I felt a little guilty about it, but I was just going to catch up tomorrow.  (I usually write my next day blog/ devotions during the day.)  A few weeks ago, when I decided to start blogging again, I asked a dear friend of mine to help me stay accountable for it.  I find when I write out my devotions that it is truly a more heartfelt time with God.  Shocker- this blog isn’t for you –it is for me J.  I always feel better when I write out my thoughts.  So I had skipped it, thinking that I got away with it and feeling oh so accomplished having finished my pantry.  Then my friend texted me.  She said that she liked reading my blog and asked how tomorrow’s was coming along. 

I felt like the cartoon character who is going along holding a balloon and then the balloon is popped and that “wah- wah- wah…” is played.  I had asked her to keep me accountable because when I write out my devotions, my walk with God is so much better.  When I am sure to take the time out EVERY day to spend time with God, my life is so much more blessed.  I am more patient, more joyful, just more…  So I got my bubble burst.  My kitchen is still messy and the floor needs mopped.  I want to tape the kitchen off for the paint that I am going to start tomorrow, but I decided that I was going to take my time today and spend time with God.  Spend time in the word. 

With that in mind, I went and found that verse about “as iron sharpens iron…”

Proverbs 27:17 (NIV) “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” 

I had to stop and thank God for my friend, not only for her friendship but for her sharpening ability.  I want to have scripture on my heart all the time. 

Psalm 119:105 (NIV) “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Hebrews 4:12 (NIV) “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

I want my attitude of my heart to be what will glorify  God daily. 


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