I am terrible about keeping up with things. I have great ideas, and self-motivation to
get them started, but I have terrible follow through. I would like to have a clean house all the time, and I know what
it takes to do it, I just don’t always have the follow through needed. I know that I shouldn’t loose my temper with
my children, but on some days, I just do…
My kids are the same way. They
will be very excited about an idea, but then lack the follow through. My oldest daughter is in a 4-year-old kindergarten. In this class, they get a prize every time
they fill up a chart for being well behaved.
So what did I decide to do? Why
I made charts for home. Only instead of
doing just basic good behavior, I pin-pointed the types of behaviors that I
wanted my children to do: make the bed,
clean the toy room, put their clothes away, wake up and get dressed without
complaining… When they fill up one
column they will get a prize and when the whole sheet is filled up, they will
get to choose what we do to celebrate, like going to the skating rink or
After I finished the kid’s one, I made myself one with goals
that I wanted to achieve: working out, making my bed, laundry every day,
no yelling at the kids, less than 1 hour on facebook and pinterest, and the
list goes on. I find the most important
one on my list is doing my devotions daily.
There are things that are important in life, and things that aren’t
important in life. Reading today, I
found this:
Romans 5:11 “So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.”

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