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In His time...

Sometimes God’s timing really confuses me.  Sometimes it is funny, but there are other times that I just want to grab him by the collar and yell at him- what were you thinking?!?!?  Especially when it is affecting someone near and dear to my heart.

The Fourth of July, the timing was hilarious.  We drove around 1 hour to go and see this awesome fireworks display.  We arrived a few hours early to get a good spot, visit with some friends and just hang out.  Well…  as the fireworks are getting ready, the thunder and lightning start.  People are freaking out- but we decided to stick it out, as did most people.  The fireworks started and ended without any rain.  We packed up our two kids and started heading back to the car, about a 10-minute walk.  About 2 minutes into it, the sky opens up and pours buckets of rain on EVERYONE there.  Everyone was racing to get back to his or her car.  I got shoved and almost fell, we were splashed and all we could do was crack up about it.  I thought that timing was really funny.

Yesterday, timing ended up being not so funny.  I have a very dear friend that contacted me and let me know that they may possibly be very sick.  Well in general that is never good, but for this friend particularly, the timing couldn’t be worse.  This friend of mine is getting ready to start a new chapter of their life in a very short time frame.  Now, they have this to deal with.  It just isn’t fair.

I have heard of people getting sick with cancer while pregnant, or into a car crash before their wedding or on their anniversary or even on their way to the hospital to have a baby.  I have seen the pain in another of my friend’s eyes as she tells me about how she lost her daughter at the age of 8.  I have seen people get beaten down over and over again…  Every time these things happen it makes me want to scream – REALLY GOD?!?!?!  Could your timing BE ANY WORSE? 

Ecclesiates 3:10-11
“I have seen the burden God has laid on men.  He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

I have a really hard time grasping this concept.  I have a hard time understanding that God knows what He is doing when these things happen.  I know in my head that everything will be beautiful in His time, but my heart doesn’t want to believe it. 

When I was little, my mom told me the story of her friends that just had found out that they were going to loose their 4 year old daughter to cancer.  They explained what was going to happen to the bright little girl and how she wasn’t going to be around very much longer.  The little girl didn’t cry – the parents left the room because they were crying and didn’t want her to see them in so much pain.  From her room they heard her singing out…  “Jesus wants me for His Sunbeam, to shine for Him each day, in every way try to please him, at home, at school, at play.  A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, a sunbeam, a sunbeam…  I’ll be a sunbeam for Him- dooot dooot dooot….”

If a four year old can grasp this concept, why can’t I?  So today, my theme song is “In His Time”

In His time, In His time
He makes all things beautiful
In His time
Lord please show me everyday,
As you’re teaching me your way
That you do just what you say,
In your time

In Your time, In Your time
You make all things beautiful,
In Your time.
Lord my life to you I bring
May each song I have to sing
Be to you a lovely thing
In Your time

Lord please show me every day
As you’re teaching me your way
That you do just what you say
In your time.


  1. Beautifully said. I'm sending up prayers for this situation and all the people involved <3


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