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Wedding Bells

My little sister gets married on Saturday – I am really super excited for her.  This is a huge deal and she has found a great guy to get married to.  The wedding will be fun, but the marriage is what counts.  I really think that they are going to be so happy together and I am so excited.  Before the marriage starts though, we are having a big old hooplah- celebration this week – soooo…  since I don’t own a lap-top, I will be taking a break from posting for 1 week  - to resume again on Wed the 27th.

Back to today’s devotion though.  With all the wedding talk, it has really made me think about how we are to be the Bride of Christ.  The Bible talks about it all the time.  Song of Songs is kinda the “weird” book in the Bible.  The bride to be and bridegroom are talking about each other and how much they love each other.  It just this morning occurred to me that it is how God wants our relationship with Him to be.  Lets think about it.  Multiple places in the Bible God states that we are the “bride” or to be “married” to Him.  Why would he use this metaphor if he didn’t want that intimate relationship with us?  Why would the whole Song of Songs be in there unless it is to show us how we are to act with God? 

Song of Songs 3:1 and 2: “All night long on my bed I looked for the one my heart loves; I looked for him but did not find him.  I will get up now and go about the city, through its streets and squares;  will search for the one my heart loves….”

That is just ONE of the multiple examples in this beautiful book.  We need to seek God in everything – if we cannot find Him where we are, we need to get off our butts and go search for Him- keep looking, asking and seeking until we find HIM.  We need to be so in love with God that that is who we want to wake up next to every morning – that is who we want to find waiting for us at the altar, that is who we want to spend the rest of our lives with.

I remember my wedding day.  It was fun – it was exciting – it was great- but what I was most excited about was the fact that after I was married to my fantastic husband, I got to spend the rest of my life with him.  I got to see him every day.  It hasn’t always been easy – relationships never are, but it has been 100% worth it!

I need to love my god like I love my husband, I need to be committed to God like a new bride is committed to her bridegroom.  If everyone did this – can you imagine what the world would be like?  WOW!!!  So I am going to take time to be with my husband this next week- and also take time to look at our relationship and see where I can apply it to be with God this week too!


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