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Cuddle Time

Some of my favorite times with my kids is when they wake up and just want to cuddle.  Maybe we are watching a movie and they just want to crawl into my lap and cuddle with me.  I have said it before, and I will repeat it here, God gives us children so that we know how we make him feel.  It isn’t always a bad feeling that we give God.  When we are disrespectful, annoying, demanding, yes, we are like children, but how about when we just want to be around Him?  How about when we want to crawl up into His lap, have Him wrap His arms around me and hold me tight. 

My youngest daughter is a professional cuddle monster.  She LOVES to cuddle, and is so good at it.  She sits still and relaxes and sits still.  My older daughter wants to cuddle so badly if she sees my youngest daughter doing it, but she can’t seem to sit still for very long.  One thing I have noticed though is that when either of them aren’t feeling well, they love to cuddle.  When they have no control over what is going on in their bodies and hearts, they want to cuddle.

What if we were like that?  We get discouraged and, instead of running to our friends or facebook, we run to the loving arms of Jesus.  When Jesus talked about children in Matthew 19:14; He said “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  I can just see it happening.  Imagine with me for a second. 

Jesus has had a full day of hearing people.  He has had a full day of listening to problems, granting requests, preaching and teaching.  He is exhausted.  He is dirty, he just wants a break.  These little kids are playing in the distance, they are probably dirty too.  They are loud and they are boisterous.  The disciples see them approaching and try to quietly hurry them away because they don’t want to bother Jesus, who frankly just needs a good rest.  But Jesus tells them, let them come.  They come towards Jesus and a little girl pulls on his robe and holds her arms up for Him.  How can he resist but to swoop her up into his arms and start running around playing idly with the children.  Enjoying their time and their company. Maybe he lies down an the grass with them and lets them climb all over Him.  After they have romped and rolled and played, the kids climb up onto His lap.  They rest their heads where they can find a free spot to rest their heads on him and they sit there and are at peace. Nothing needs to be said, nothing needs to be done to show these kids that He loves them, he just holds them.  He doesn’t have to produce miracles to prove to them that he is the Christ, doesn’t have to astound them with His wisdom, He just has to be there and hold them.  Dusk starts to fall and the children need to go home to be fed.  He reluctantly lets them off His lap, one by one.  They know He loves them.  He knows that they love Him.  THIS is what both parties needed.  THIS is what refreshed Jesus.  THIS is what the kids ran home to tell their parents about. 

Sometimes, we just need to go to God and just be.  We need to go and have fun with Him, to love on Him, worship Him, let Him wrap His loving arms around us and we throw ours around Him.  We need to see Him come and pick us up from our daily activities and run to Him with excitement and throw our arms around Him, kiss His beautiful face and proceed to tell Him everything that transpired that day. 

No matter how old you get, it is (almost) always fantastic to go and find your parents and cuddle with them for a moment.  Why can’t we throw our arms around our Heavenly Father and love on Him like we do someone that we love seeing?  Take time today to just sit and be with God.  No thoughts or needs or requests from Him- just be there.  Turn on some great, Christian music and sit and relax and be there with Him.  Feel his arms surround you.  Feel loved, and love him back as every parent wants to be loved. 


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