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Let your light SHINE!

Last night, a dear woman inspired me to think a lot about light.  Light and darkness…  One of the most impacting sermons of my teenage times was when I was spelunking (caving) in the Ozarks at camp Kanakuk.  They took us into an inner room in the cave, one God had hollowed out.  And there we sat.  The only light was from our flashlights, which they then told us to find a seat and turn off.  I had never experienced such darkness.  It actually hurt your eyes it was so dark.  We held our hand up in front of our face and couldn’t even see it.  Utter and complete darkness. 

Then, our leader started preaching.  He said that the world is like this cave.  The world is a dark place.  It is full of sin and hatred.  It is musty and dank from stagnation and mold.  But then Jesus came.  And he became a light to the world.  At this point, he turned on one little flashlight.  It was a flashlight that you give little kids.  They didn’t have led flashlights back then, it was a weak bulb.  The flashlight had big bird on it (I remember because I still have the flashlight that I got off the leader).  Immediately, we were able to see things that we couldn’t see.  That light was so bright to us since it was so dark in that room.  He said that we could be that light in the dark world. 

Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” (NIV)

That was the end of his sermon, but being older now and looking back on it, I want to elaborate a little on it.  That little flashlight would be laughed at in the dark right now.  It would not be nearly as bright as the LED flashlights or a mag-light or even a pen light now.  But it is still a light.  When the batteries of the others go out, that little light can still be bright, it adds to the brightness.  We don’t always feel like we are making an impact on the world because there are a great many lights out there right now.  Our lights shine all different ways and all different places, but all are important.  Those that need the help of our light can come to it when they need it. 

Not all of us can be a Mag-light like Kirk Cameron, or the infamous Tim Tebow…  some of us need to light the way closer to home.  Sometimes no one sees our light, but if we turned it off we would be adding to the darkened world. 


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