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Fear of the Lord

“The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.  The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing in the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.  The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the LORD are true; they are righteous altogether.” PSALM 19:7-9

For some reason, this section of verses just really stuck out at me yesterday.  I think that a lot of the reason that it stuck out to me is because of the way that people have been approaching the “Law of the LORD”.  The commandments are pretty cut and dry, they tell us what we should and shouldn’t do.  It is so easy though to get caught up in the world and not realizing that we are breaking commandments.  Like, Don’t cheat, but we find a way to cheat in a game or in work to make it easier for us.  The biggest one I think is: You shall have no other Gods before me.  How often do we think that our jobs are more important than our quiet time with God.  We worship them because they give us money…  What about our computers?  Do we make them Gods?  Do we go to them first and foremost for information instead of our Bibles? 

This verse says that the law of the LORD IS PERFECT…  it restores the soul.  When we are down, is it because we are following the Law of the land?  The testimony of the LORD is SURE – making wise the simple.  I might be a simple person, but even I can share the testimony of the LORD because it makes me wise in HIM. 

The last part: the FEAR of the LORD is clean, enduring forever.  Do we fear not having a relationship with him?  Do we fear not having Him in our lives?  I am not going to get into the, always saved vs. loosing salvation debate here- but our relationship with God can suffer if we do not nurture it.  If we do not respect the Lord for what He has done for us and what He can and will do in our lives if we let Him. 

The FEAR of the LORD.  That is a hard concept because we are told that God is loving and kind…  But in reality, we need to fear Him.  My kids “fear” the punishments that I will dole out to them if they misbehave (which is very minimal), they “fear” the corner and time out.  They “fear” what will happen to them if they don’t obey me or get sassy and disrespectful to me.  They want to please me.  They “fear” making me unhappy.  Do we fear making God unhappy?  Do we fear being in God’s good graces?  There are times that I love my kids, but I don’t want to be anywhere near them because they have made me so angry.  After they apologize, and don’t re-do what “bad” thing they were doing, then our relationship will get back to normal. 

This verse tells us to FEAR the LORD.  Fear Him, follow His commands, be clean in Him, be righteous and obedient.  If you are a parent, I am sure that you have experienced the lovely trip to the store or to church where your child just will not behave.  They are running up and down the isles, screaming when they don’t’ get their way.  Pulling things off the shelves.  Talking loudly.  You get to check out and they are crying or screaming or begging you for this or that and if they don’t get it, they cry and cry.  Do we want to be that kind of child for God? 

We are God’s children.  We will misbehave at some point and time, but we need to strive to be well behaved and kind and loving to God.  We don’t want to be looked at as the kid in the grocery store making God look like a “bad parent” do we?  We don’t want people to look at us and say, what a bad child.  We don’t want to be disrespectful and hateful to our LORD and savior.  We want to be kind and loving to Him.  We want to respect and have a healthy fear of the LORD. 

So I can honestly say, I didn’t quite know where I was going to go with this section of verses when I sat down.  During my Bible reading time, I highlighted these verses and noted do a devo on them.  I wasn’t sure what I was going to do though.  It is kind of nice that if you ask, God can give you just what you need to hear on a specific day.  This is what I needed, I don’t know if it is what you needed or not, but I need to have more respect and be a good child of God.  God Bless everyone!


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